In October 2020 a three-day seminar trip to Neuenkirchen took place. Neuenkirchen was chosen because it is in a nature reserve and therefore garantees a calm environment. Here, participants of the seminar were not distracted by everyday stress or any noise. By this way, they were able to benefit from relaxed atmosphere and peace, to turn inward, reflect their work and gather new strength.

Seminar: Erfahrungsaustausch über die Arbeit mit geflüchteten Frauen und ihren Familien

During different workshops and role plays six participants with their own migrant background exchanged experiences they made while working in different social institutions in Berlin.

The focus was on the one hand on the devekopment of new strategies in order to support immigrants and refugees with orientation and integration in Germany and, on the other hand, the joint development of individual coping strategies while handling personal burden and stress, that may occure when working with traumatic cases.

dreitägiges Seminar zum Thema Erfahrungsaustausch

Among other things the following questions were discussed:

Which problems do burden refugees and make it more difficult fort hem to integrate?

How can social institutions support women to deal with racism, discrimination and in the search for their own identitiy between old and new homeland?

How can immigrants be accepted in the new culture, without being forced to assimilation?

How can social institutions support women to know their rights and duties and claim them confidently?

How can single employees and the whole team deal with stressful situations?

Back to the overview.

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