Our (learning) groups and courses are for women of all origins and age.
Please remember an early registration.

Gruppen und Kurse für Frauen in Berlin

Learning “new things” is fun and brings people together.

Women’s meeting point „Pink Group“

The „Pink Group“ revived the „Meeting Point Hînbûn“ with the desire to also meet outside the normal office hours. The group consists of different ethnicities and there are different resident permits. Most of them are Kurdish women. The participating women bring topics on day-to-day politics or their everyday life, to get informed or to discuss them controversially.

There is a strong need to get to know more about the new home and the German society. How does the welfare state work? What makes authorities, offices and basic services tick? How do I deal with the flood of paper I do not understand? The women have the desire to reorient themselves and therefor get information from our employeers. All heard in the social councelling is supplemented and deepened plus the access to their own participation is encouraged and faciliated.

Further subjects vary widely from the exchange of cultural chracteristics, traditions, rituals, holidays and different religions to current events and family matters, as far as intimate questions only concerning women. The aim is to discover similiarities as well as differences and accept them. In this context, small language exercises are highly appreciated, helping to overcome inhibitions about expressing themselves in German verbally.

One very important aspect of this meetings ist to take a short-term step back from everyday life and its demands and to be able to talk, in a relaxed atmosphere, about things that are important to those women, that move and benefit them.

Normally, the meeting beginns with a small meal cooked by the participating women according to traditional recepts. At the same time, conversations and discussions develope rapidly.

Part of the educational programme are lectures, where speakers are engaged e.g. from the Charité, from the pilot team of Evangelical Forest Hospital or the work group Strong Parents. Those lectures are translated by language mediators.

A core group evolved by now that assists in organising further ventures and events such as the Kurdish Newroz festival, city explorations, museum visits, school holidays and family programmes.

The women frunkction as multipliers and become involved in interreligious and intercultural events and pass on gained informations, so that there are made requests to the group and projects permanently.

Thursdays at 13:00


„New learning“
a German learning group for women who fled and have a special need for protection.

The conversation group „New Learning“ is adressed to women who fled and who are, because of their state, not able to participate in conventional educational offers and orientation programmes. Those women’s learning ability is seriously affected because of traumatising experiences on their flight or in their homeland. They suffer from severe anxieties, concentration disorders and physical complaints. Additionally, some of them are affected by their lack of educational background or have never even been to school.

Most women find it difficult to engage in a new, alien world. Fears prevent them from exploring their social environment and discovering new things. The project „New Learning“ wants to take the special need of this women into account.

Many immigrants want to participate in social and political life and integrate themselves in the German environment but they often do not thrust themselves to do even the smallest step. Gently, they are introduced to new experiences and learning processess which strengthen their self asteem if it is coped with sucessfully. Without any pressure the women learn strategies to bring about changes and integrate new things in their lives.


  • It’s the task of the group leader to adapt to the needs of the participants with sensitivity and to ensure a trustworthy atmosphere within the group.
  • Learning programm oriented on everyday life: concrete everyday situations are taken up and practiced playfully, so communication processes can be trained.
  • Women acquire the ability to communicate in basic German and lose their fears.
  • city explorations and trips – especially in their own residential districs: so they visit eachother, they explore cultural and public institutions. In doing so, they train how to deal with public transportation and the mobility of the participants is being promoted.

tuesdays 10:00 to 12:00 and
thursdays 10:30 to 12:30


Learning group for learning German for mothers and their children (0 to 2 years old)

With their children in view immigrants learn new words and sentences and can excercise everyday language with other women.

Created in 2013, this German group filled in the gap for women, who are still in parental leave or do not have any childcare, and is well attended since. The offer encourages women to register for a German or alpha course.

-no integration course-

Deutschkur mit Kindern in Berlin

In our German course women with infants are more than welcome.


Montags und donnerstags von 9.30 – 11.00h Uhr und 11:30 – 13.00 Uhr.

Der Kurs findet zurzeit online statt:
Dienstag 10:00 – 11:30 Uhr.


Intercultural Garden

The intercultural garden is a cooperation project with the SOS Kinderdorf e.V. (SOS Childrens Village). Families and single parents and their children are invited to make, cultivate and harvest beds for their own purposes. Tips and know-how are exchanged and participants help eachother out. For the children their is a wide range of playing options.

In addition to the joint gardening, a group evolved that improves its knowledge of German language under supervision. On bad weather the group can use the training center.

Have tea together and develope ideas for gardening:

  • How do we want to plan our intercultural garden together?
  • What do we want to plant in spring? Which seeds do we want to order?
  • When do we want to plant which seeds?
  • How can we keep the garden nice and clean?

More than gardening- topics concerning the participants:

  • What do I want for my future?
  • What kind of work do I want and what do I need for it?
  • What do we want to do together? Cooking, barbecue, recipes and exchange of knowledge of medicinal herbs, crafting, trips, watching films to discuss about them afterwards…

Fridays, 15:00 to 18:00


Make an appointment

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!

We look forward to seeing you!

Contact HÎNBÛN