Health and illness in a foreign country is a great burden.
We support you in getting the right help

Health counseling has been an important focus of our work since the project began. It often arises within the social counseling and is then deepened in a separate appointment if necessary.

The counseling takes place individually and, if possible, with language mediation in the native language. Being ill in a foreign country with the difficulty of expressing oneself in another language is often experienced as particularly stressful.

Many immigrant women have difficulty finding treatment that is appropriate for their illness. In cooperation with specialists, we clarify what help is available to those seeking advice and how they can obtain it as quickly as possible.

Often, women were not able to devote the necessary attention to their health for a longer period of time, e.g. because they were living in crisis situations or there were no treatment options in their country of origin and during their flight.

Particularly chronic, psychological or psychosomatic complaints only come to the fore when the women (with their family) come to rest after moving into their own home.

Caring for or looking after relatives is another special burden that often leads to excessive demands and complaints of its own on the part of the women caring for them.

After a detailed initial interview, the resources and needs of the women seeking advice are determined in order to then plan initial steps that will facilitate everyday life in the short term and immediately and strengthen the women.

In order to avoid overburdening the women, small-scale goals are planned in consultation with the women. In the implementation of their plans, the women are closely accompanied and supported in solving emerging problems.

Women seek support from us at / after…

  • Diseases of all kinds (diabetes, cancer, rheumatism, etc.)

  • Disabilities of all kinds

  • Severe disabilities

  • Diseases that were neglected during war (or during escape)

  • Mental illness (trauma, psychosis, etc.)

Often, refugees suffer from traumatization and urgently need advice on coping with everyday life and referral to psychotherapies. All age groups are affected.

The employees provide support in filling out applications for care levels, care benefits and severe disabilities.

Those seeking advice are informed about other specialized institutions and native-speaking specialists and are referred to them.

HÎNBÛN cooperates closely with the pilot team of the Ev. Waldkrankenhaus “Around Birth” and the Youth Welfare Office Spandau Department “Early Help”.

HÎNBÛN maintains contacts with the “Center for Survival”, the mother-tongue medical profession, specialized clinics, psychologists, child psychiatrists, the child and youth health service and the social psychiatric service as well as the psychological institute outpatient clinic of the Vivantes Hospital in Spandau.

In addition, there is a close network with the child and adolescent psychiatry of the DKR hospital in Westend.

In workshops and women’s groups, e.g. in the context of cooking courses, topics such as healthy nutrition and exercise are developed and implemented as a supplement to health promotion. This prevents women from focusing on symptoms of illness. Instead, they experience acceptance with their entire own history and a holistic promotion of well-being. We look forward to your registration!

Learn more about workshops and courses

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Feel free to contact us!

We look forward to seeing you!

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