Advice for women and their families

Advice is the main offer at Hînbûn.
It is private, free and on
request anonymous

Beratung für Frauen

General Advice

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We give advice to all questions concerning immigrants and their families at Berlin:

  • Social councelling:

Jobcenter, social welfare office (Sozialamt), Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz), housing allowance, child allowance/ KiZ, alimony advance

  • orientation in everyday life:

explaining of letters, questions about flat, rent, bank account, applications, contracts, redundancies (phone), payment reminders, debts, appointments, tasks of standard services, writing help, dealing with racism and exclusion.

  • Civil Status Law:

birth cirtificate, recognitions of dokuments, marriage, devorce, with international reference

  • Family:

question about child education (Kindergarden, school, arguments in the family), conflicts with a life partner/husband or other relatives, seperation, divorce, generation conflicts, cultural conflicts

  • education & work:

translation and recognition of qualifications, access to the labour market, informations about careers and application possibilities, arrangement of language courses (German), school, internship and apprenticeship

Rechtsberatung für Frauen


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Legal advice takes place with a lawyer at mondays at 4 o’clock in the afternoon in 14-day-intervalls, if necessary with native translation.

Legal advice for women is free and includes following issues:

  • residence
  • work permit
  • asylum applications
  • church asylum
  • family reunification
  • civil status law: birth certificates, recognition of documents, marriage, divorce with international reference
  • impending deportation
  • naturalisation
  • contract conclusions and terminations
  • advisory aid cheque, legal aid
Beratung bei Gewalt an Frauen Berlin

Advice concerning violence against women

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Advice concerning violence against women takes place in a protected space and on request anonymously.

We reserve appointments for you outside the regular consulting hours.

In case of an emergency please call the police immidiately at 110.

Outside our opening hours get in touch with the BIG hotline at 030 611 03 00.

Gesundheitsberatung Berlin

Health Advice

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Healt advice takes place during psychosocial councelling. You receive informations on the German healthcare system and support with the application of necessary services for you or your relatives and children.

We offer you support for all your questions regarding:

  • care services
  • Informations regarding birth
  • disabilities of all sort
  • severe disabilities
  • age-related ailments
  • chronic diseases
  • traumatisation
  • psychosocial difficulties
  • health promotion, exercise and nutrition

Please be aware…

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!

We look forward to seeing you!

Contact HÎNBÛN