Nursing staff – overworked,
unpaid and excluded?

In all care segments- wether care of the elderly, child care or nursing care- the number of employees with migration history in Germany increased by about a third since 2014. The Corona pandemic underscores their significance for the maintenance of German health care system. But also in the care sector racism is an omnipresent issue about which too little is said about.

A study of the union-linked Hans-Böckler Foundation from 2018 shows that racism in the care sector does not only occur in individual cases. Therefore, there are different indications of a disadvantaged situation for nursing staff with a migration history. This is noticeable not only in the cooperation between employer and colleagues but also in the allocation of tasks and in the social interaction with inhabitants and their relatives.

*Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Pflegearbeiten in Deutschland, Japan und Schweden. Wie werden Pflegekräfte mit Migrationshintergrund und Männer in die Pflegearbeit einbezogen? Study Nr. 383, Düsseldorf 2018.

Racism in nursing

In sofa chats immigrants got a chance to speak up and talk about their experiences of racism in care professions; so turn it on! You can also watch the videos at the YouTube channel of Partnership for Democracy Spandau.

Interview with Vida Finkbeiner
Interview with Mrs. H.

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