Our ree-of-charge legal advice for women takes place
with a lawyer at mondays at 4 o’clock in the afternoon in 14-day-intervalls, if necessary
with native translation.

The Second Word War has displaced millions of refugees. Meanwhile , as a reaction 149 states have joined forces and determined binding rights for refugees with the Geneva Convention on Refugees. The legal advice in 14-day-intervalls shall support refugees and other immigrants in excercising their rights. The legal advice in 14-day-intervalls shall support refugees and other immigrants in excercising their rights.

The free legal advice at HÎNBÛN does not imply legal groundwork or representation.

If this is going to be necessary, specialised lawyers will be consulted or you will be directed to them. The preperation of legal representation or defence by a practising lawyer is then subject to a fee in accordance with RVG (= legal counsel fees regulations).

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Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!

We look forward to seeing you!

Contact HÎNBÛN